Never Off-Duty

Never Off-Duty

The last Wednesday and Thursday of each July is a national holiday for me and my family. It is the Florida’s sport divers mini lobster season, a two-day jump on the commercial harvest of Florida lobster. This past July my family along with my brother and his family...
Family Problems

Family Problems

This past Wednesday I received a call around 7 a.m. from my father.  I was just arriving at Visual Health getting ready for another busy day of patient care.  When I saw the number on my caller ID, I was a bit concerned, as we normally talk every Friday morning.  My...
Silent Thief of Sight

Silent Thief of Sight

Although the Latin definition of the word glaucoma- an opacity of the human lens- can be confused with the common cataract, glaucoma really describes a group of eye diseases which affect the optic nerve. Left untreated glaucoma can cause permanent vision loss and even...