PBOSC - Palm Beach Outpatient Surgical Center
If the cost of cataract surgery or a premium lens is a barrier to getting clear vision then we want to help by offering a financing option. Our patients are referred to Care Credit to meet their financial assistance needs.
The surgery center is also affiliated with two non-profit agencies that provide medical services to their recipients at no charge. Payment is due at the time of service and payment plans are not offered. Schedule an appointment today or call us at 561-469-6208 to speak with one of our caring and knowledgeable cataract counselors.
Services may be provided in this healthcare facility by the facility as well as other healthcare providers who may separately bill the patient and who may not participate with the same health insurer or health maintenance organization as the facility. Patients and prospective patients should contact each healthcare practitioner who will provide services in Palm Beach Outpatient Surgical Center to determine the health insurers and health maintenance organizations with which the healthcare practitioner participates as a network provider or preferred provider.
Patients can visit Floridahealthfinder.gov for data, including quality measures and statistics that are disseminated by AHCA pursuant to s.408.05, F.S., information on payments made to facilities for defined service bundles and payments. Patients may visit this link for information about this facility and to learn more about the Price Transparency, Patient Billing and rule 59A-5.032, F.A.C. This service bundle information is a non-personalized estimate of costs that may be incurred by the patient for anticipated services. Actual costs will be based upon services actually provided to the patient. Patients and prospective patients may request from this facility and other healthcare providers a more personalized estimate of charges and other information. To request an estimate, call us at 561-469-6208. All estimates of the service bundle are non-personalized based on anticipated services. Actual cost will be based on services actually provided to the patient. https://pricing.floridahealthfinder.gov.
If Palm Beach Outpatient Surgery Center believes that you have health insurance and/or HMO coverage(s) that may cover some or all of the Services, we may initiate contact with them to determine your cost-sharing responsibilities for services provided. You may contact them directly as well for additional information concerning your cost-sharing responsibilities. If it is determined that you have cost-sharing responsibilities, in accordance with PBOSC’s financial assistance policies, you will be required to pay your cost-sharing responsibilities in full on or before the date that Services are provided. Our financial assistance policies are that if you are unable to pay your cost-sharing responsibilities in full on or before the date that Services are provided, because you believe you are medically indigent or you are not covered by any health insurance or HMO, then upon request PBOSC, in its sole discretion, may offer you a discount on the amount due and/or offer a payment plan. Any such discount is considered to be “charity care.” There is no formal application process for obtaining “charity care” at PBOSC Our standard collection policy is to produce and send one or more bills to patients for their cost sharing amount.
Any deductible or co-pay as calculated by your insurance company, will be collected no later than the date of service. After surgery the facility will submit your bill to your insurance company. Upon receipt of payment from the insurance company, if any portion of the cost is deemed the patient’s responsibility, a bill will be sent to the patient. Payment not received by its due date will be referred to our in-house collections.
Download the full State of Florida Transparency in Health Care Legislation document for a listing of physicians who perform procedures at this facility along with their phone number or see the list below.
List of Contracted Providers
- William Martin, MD 2889 10th Ave N, Palm Springs, FL 33461 | 561-964-0707
- Daniel Goldberg, MD 2889 10th Ave N, Palm Springs, FL 33461 | 561-964-0707
- Anesthesia Services Plus, Inc. 6241 Arc Way Ft. Myers, FL 33966 | 239-278-9955